Comments of my friends about THE BEST SOUND & LIGHT shows in Egypt

Posted by:
Magster on Jul 4, 10 at 07:37 PM
I know there are several sound and light shows in Egypt, but unfortunately, my husband is not a fan of this kind of thing. If you had to choose just one sound and light show which one would it be? Giza? Abu Simbel? Karnak ?
Thanks for your help 
  •  justshootme on Jul 4, 10 at 09:03 PM
      I haven't seen all of them, I've only seen the sound and light show at Abu Simbel, this show is good and well worth the effort and $.

  • Percy on Jul 4, 10 at 09:21 PM
     Of the three the Abu Simble is the best in my opinion.

  • LEANNA on Jul 4, 10 at 10:30 PM
     Karnak was not a happy experience for me. There are too many people and you walk in the dark, stand for long mintues while a loud speaker delivers a plotted historical play, then you walk further in a crowd to the next spot and stand some more. I could not see over the heads all around me and really could only listen and look up the glorius if the lights changed on this part I don't know.

    Finally you reach bleachers and climb your way up in the dark to a seat and then sit and listen to more loud speakers but you can see the lights change.

    When the show is over you again walk in the dark......and finally exit to freedom.

    I might exaggerate a tad....but not much. I fell in the dark, skinned a knee and almost got stepped on by the next human who was walking behind me.

    Others may disagree!! Giza was walked in and sat down....and the speakers did the show while the lights changed.

    I did not see the one at Abu Simbel...but have heard good things.

  •  cary999 on Jul 4, 10 at 10:46 PM
     Is Karnak the one where as a back ground to the show you see across the way a modern shopping center?
     regards - tom

  •  Grcxx3 on Jul 4, 10 at 11:28 PM
      Abu Simbel - no contest

  •  Axel2DP on Jul 5, 10 at 01:29 AM
     I went to the S&L shows at Abu Simbel, Philae and Karnak. Hands down, Abu has the best light show out of the three. The images projected onto the temples at Abu were stunning, and I liked the fact that you sit in the amphitheatre for the entire show. If your native language is English, don't worry if you come on a non-English narration day (Abu has a headphone translator for free). Believe me, the narration will be much better and more romantic when you can't understand it

    I think for the lights show it's almost like you have to come more than once. The first time to get a feeling of what's going on and then the second time to really enjoy it. Abu only had one show when I was there, otherwise, I would've seen it again. I agree with Leanna that Karnak show can be confusing. One guide book suggested that you stay behind the crowd. Well I did that and it was hard to see with all the heads in front of me, lol. Especially when the show portion went into the hypostle hall; I couldn't tell what was being lit and when.

    I wish that all the temples just follow Luxor temple example: Just light up at night and let people wander through it at their own paces, and forget the whole show thing.

  • Casual_Cairo on Jul 5, 10 at 02:22 AM
     I think LEANNA described Karnak PERFECTLY! No exageration at all. I don't understand it when people say they like that one best. They clearly haven't ever seen the others.

    I agree that Abu Simbal is fantastic, but it does require spending the night in Abu Simbal or taking a Lk. Nasr cruise to see it. If you are doing that, then by all means go to the S&L in Abu Simbal. The down side to that is that there will be one language on the speakers (the night I went, it was French) and then the head set offers other languages, but as with much in Egypt, they don't work really really well and the speakers are so loud that it is difficult to sit there and plug one ear with your finger and catch enough of what is said in the ear piece on the other ear over the French narration. They don't exactly have state of the art head sets that block out all other noise.

    Now, Giza has improved A LOT! The show is relatively interesting, you sit and listen to only one language, and they sell beer and wine or other beverages to you. If your husband would be happy to watch this if he had a beer in front of him, take him to the Giza Show. It absolutely makes it less painful to watch.The trick is you dont' watch it from the sea of white chairs down on the dirt - get in early enough to grab a table up at the cafeteria that sits RIGHT behind the sea of white chairs. If you can get a table on the edge of the platform, you will have a ledge to put your feet up on, a nice whicker chair to sit in, and you'll be up about 10-12" higher than the sea of white chairs so you can see everything and have wait service to bring you refreshments.

    Finally, to watch the show., like not fantastic service, and real mediocre food, but for beers and watching the Sound and Light Show, it really is very good. He has two levels of outdoor seating up high enough to catch the show while you snack on mesa and drink what ever beverages suit you. The atmosphere at Barry's is good too. The problem is getting a taxi driver to take you there without a problem. It's a little hard to find and he doesn't (I hear) pay commissions to taxi drivers so they may tell you he is out of business or any lie to get you to go to another place where they can earn commissions for taking you.
    That is probably more information than you wanted to know, but hopefully it will help you make your decision.

  •  Magster2005 on Jul 5, 10 at 10:51 AM
     This is great! Thank you all so much for the info. Abu Simbel seems to be a clear frontrunner (will be spending a night there). And I have definitely crossed Karnak off the list! Axel2Dp -- thanks for the tip on Luxor Temple. Will plan to stop there at night (in place of Karnak).

    But Casual Cairo, you have really tweaked my interest in Giza -- and yes, a beer for my husband would certainly help! I like the Barry's idea a lot -- a beer or two there might be even better LOL! (I think part of what my husband dislikes is dealing with the crowds). Maybe I can talk him into doing Barry's AND Abu Simbel!

  •  Magster2005 on Jul 5, 10 at 11:07 AM
     Casual Cairo -- Have to pass on a message from my husband to you. He says, "Thanks for your sympathetic response! I really appreciate it, but one beer might not be enough!!"

  •  Casual_Cairo on Jul 6, 10 at 01:39 AM
     Mr. Magster - you are welcome. I understand needing a beer or something to make the Sound and Light show less painful. LOL
     I was just going to the website that gives times for the Giza show and see that they have changed for the summer. Every day the first language is going to be English now, and they are going to use the same units they use in Abu Simbal for the other languages. That is good news because the first show is the best one to go to IMHO as you can get there a little early sometimes and have a better shot at getting one of the prime seats in the cafeteria, or you can go to Barry's early and get some super shots of sunset while you wait for the show to start. The shows that start later are a bit more of a rush to get in and fight for chairs and obviously there is no chance to catch the sun setting behind the pyramids.

  • Axel2DP on Jul 6, 10 at 04:59 PM
     The link you posted listed a light show at Edfu. Is there a Sound and Light show at Edfu? If there is it's not listed in any guide books that I've came across.

  • JoanneH on Jul 6, 10 at 07:04 PM
      What would you suggest time wise to get the better seats for the pyramids show? I did check the site and it says the shows are only through 9/30 then later gives winter hours which seemed odd. Any advice on this welcome.

  • Casual_Cairo on Jul 7, 10 at 02:59 AM
    Now their website isn't working at all - at least I can't get it to work.I don't think there is one in Edfu - but I could be wrong. Maybe it is a new thing.

    JoanneH - glad you saw the same page I saw when it was working. What they were saying is that during the summer they are going to do this thing where English will be the first show every day and they will offer other languages via a head set. I think they were saying they will go back to the other system (of offering 3 languages per night) in winter.Right now the first show starts at 8:30 p.m. To get the best seats, I'd be there to buy tickets no later than 8 p.m. and be one of the first in line when they open the gate. I haven't gone for some time so I don't know exactly what time they will open the box office to sell tickets or what time exactly the gate will open. I suspect it is when the man with the key gets there and that can vary night to night.

    I do remember seeing a sign as I exited the Pyramid area for selling S&L tickets during the day. I've never tested that to see if it is real, but IF you are in Giza the same day you want to see the S&L, after you've seen the Sphinx, see if you can find where they sell the S&L tickets. That would take care of one chore to handle that night.

  • Casual_Cairo on Jul 7, 10 at 03:00 AM
    P.S. In winter means when we are OFF DLS and the shows begin at 6:30 p.m. instead of 8:30 p.m.

  • tinydancer on Jul 7, 10 at 12:26 PM
    We loved Karnak S&L, and also really enjoyed the one at the Pyrimids. Can't comment on AS as we didn't see that one.

  •  JoanneH on Jul 7, 10 at 01:13 PM
     Thanks for the info

EDFU show
Pyramids show
Philae show
Karnak show

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