Civilization of the ancient Egyptians or the ancient Egyptian civilization is the civilization that has in Egypt under the pharaohs of different families since the dawn of history until the Roman conquest of Egypt over 3000 years. Spanned from 3100 BC. AD - 332 BC. M, where excelled in building the ancient Egyptian civilization and left a significant cultural momentum in science and literature and the arts, agriculture, industry and art of embalming and social life. Since 35 thousand years BC. M. Came to this area of desertification, which stops rainfall, which created the agricultural communities in Egypt, Central and Aldltabachammal. The first Egyptian civilization in the region of Badari in Upper Egypt based on farming, fishing and breeding birds, livestock, pottery and mining.
  In about the year 4000 BC. M. Irrigation systems have become a small tribal kingdoms of Egypt and Upper Egypt was symbolized by the white crown of Lower Egypt, symbolized by
 the crown of the Red King Menes united the two countries from the South since 3200 BC. M and making the capital of Memphis (Memphis). This standardization made Egypt a safe country and its capital, Memphis, and this is evident through the many records that he maintained the dry weather to be saved message and the times through the successive verses on papyrus.
  This is the historical division of Egypt, known system attributed to Dynastic Egyptian priest named Manetho has written in the Ptolemaic era division of the history of Egypt for thirty families, even Alexander the Great invaded Egypt and the date when the gaps overlooked by many periods of the rulers of Egypt.
Under the governor of Egypt makes it Msraam divinity since the unification of 3200 BC. M. Even the Roman occupation of Egypt
 The civilization of ancient Egyptian were not civilization in the
 age slip time.Because their civilization was a single cultural characteristics and achievements of the large and originality. This is what gave it the credibility of originality among all civilizations. Or cultures, making it the undisputed minimum. This civilization Mkutha and more impressed and renowned among the ancient civilizations.The Ancient Egyptians Civilization along the Nile River in northeastern Africa since the year 5000 BC. M. To the year 30 BC. M. .. The longest continuity of the civilization ancient world, the ancient Egyptian civilization mean in terms of geography that civilization, which originated Ballowadieudlta Nile where he had lived the ancient Egyptians. It is the cultural aspect refers to the language and civilization, customs and rituals of their organization and management and administrative affairs of life and their perception of the nature around them and their dealings with their neighbors they are the first people Astons cats.

 This era also witnessed a "revolution of Akhenaten religious" calling to the worship of one God and the symbol of a sun disk and established a new capital of the country and called it "Akhetaten" • 
Egypt has come since the reign of the family 21 to 28 for the occupation by the Assyrians in 670 BC • C, then the Persians until the end rule Pharaohs with family 30 and the entry of Alexander the Great, Egypt

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